Last Friday, I had a movie date with my college friends Errol and Mercie. We watched the much talked about movie - Inception. But this post is not about the movie (but I will have an entry about that in a while). It is about this Japanese burger I accidentally came across while waiting for my dates at the Shang.
That burger is Sango. Now, I am a fan of another Japanese burger called Mos Burger. I first came across this culinary delight during my hiatus in Singapore in the early 2000's. Ever since then, whenever I visit Singapore I'd have my fill of the most heavenly tasting (and most probably fattening) burger I have ever had the fortune of discovering. I even had the good luck to eat one in Hong Kong last January. Sadly, this burger is still an unknown in the Philippines.
So, when I saw this Sango burger at the Shang, I just had to try it. It looked A LOT like Mos Burger. It even had the same structure, and even the same packaging. When I finally got my hands on it, the smell that wafted through my nostrils told me that this was a promising venture. It smelled exactly like a Mos Burger. I was excited to taste it.
When I finally did, it wasn't a disappointment. It wasn't a hooray moment either. But it was a revelation. It tasted a bit like Mos Burger. The sauce was a little on the salty corned-beefy taste side, whereas Mos' sauce was tomatoey. It's almost a Mos Burger, but not quite. Still, i liked it. In fact, I might have that burger once in a while especially when a Sango store is so near my office in Makati. At Php145 for a Master Burger and Php 155 for a Master Cheeseburger, it's worth the little trip and splurge.
That burger is Sango. Now, I am a fan of another Japanese burger called Mos Burger. I first came across this culinary delight during my hiatus in Singapore in the early 2000's. Ever since then, whenever I visit Singapore I'd have my fill of the most heavenly tasting (and most probably fattening) burger I have ever had the fortune of discovering. I even had the good luck to eat one in Hong Kong last January. Sadly, this burger is still an unknown in the Philippines.
So, when I saw this Sango burger at the Shang, I just had to try it. It looked A LOT like Mos Burger. It even had the same structure, and even the same packaging. When I finally got my hands on it, the smell that wafted through my nostrils told me that this was a promising venture. It smelled exactly like a Mos Burger. I was excited to taste it.
When I finally did, it wasn't a disappointment. It wasn't a hooray moment either. But it was a revelation. It tasted a bit like Mos Burger. The sauce was a little on the salty corned-beefy taste side, whereas Mos' sauce was tomatoey. It's almost a Mos Burger, but not quite. Still, i liked it. In fact, I might have that burger once in a while especially when a Sango store is so near my office in Makati. At Php145 for a Master Burger and Php 155 for a Master Cheeseburger, it's worth the little trip and splurge.