Detoxing for a Healthier You: The Master Cleanse

by - April 29, 2014

Ever tried one of those detoxing diets that's all the rage in Hollywood and becoming popular here in the Philippines, as well?

I tried the first one that became popular -- the Master Cleanse -- which is said to reboot your body and reverse the effects of an unhealthy diet. Plus, it will help you lose weight and has only 3 ingredients (lemon juice, cayenne, and maple syrup). Then add the health benefits it supposed to have, such as:

  • eliminates toxins and pollutants that have accumulated in the body
  • cleans the kidneys and digestive system
  • relieves pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels
  • allows the body to better absorb nutrients

Aaaannnnd, it's what Beyonce did to lose weight. Wow, ticks all the boxes, right? I didn't know was how hungry you'll get from just drinking the lemonade mix all day! Or just non-caffeinated tea in between. That's why I only lasted about 3 days (which is the least amount of days you can do the cleanse) although I was gunning for a week. I felt my body needed that long to reboot and become healthy again.

So, basically, for 3 days, I did feel a bit energized, less bloated, and was having regular bowel movement. But I don't think it's enough to reap the full benefits of the cleanse. It's a start though.

Anyway, it is recommended that you do the cleanse at least once a year. Some do it every 6 months. I might do this again soon. Maybe I'll try for 3 days, but if I can still take it, stretch it to 5 days. Baby steps.

A more authoritative site with all the info about the Master Cleanse, and the recipe, can be found here.

Personally, I would go for a more filling detoxing diet. Like a combination of detoxing food and juicing.

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