Blogapalooza Horizons 2.0 Event

by - November 16, 2016

This is a late post. But as they say, better late than never!

For the second time this year, I was lucky enough to get invited to the Blogapalooza. I have been going to the event since  2013, or was it 2014? Anyway, I was excited when I got the invite for so many reasons.

First, I will be forced to write a new blog post, which will keep my blog active. Nothing like being duty-bound to have new content on your site, eh?

Second, I will get to spend some time with my fellow blogger and friend, Hits and Mrs. Ever since she changed careers and left me at our old jobs, I haven't seen her. It will be nice to catch up with some gossip and political stuff (God knows I have so little to share in the department, but I'm willing to listen to other people).

Third, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and deny that I'm looking forward to the freebies I will be getting. It doesn't really matter if it's a pen or notepad, I just like to hoard freebies and give them away to friends and family.

Fourth, I feel like it's a tradition now. I've been going every year since 2013 or 2014 and I'd be sad to miss one.

Last, it's a great chance to meet other bloggers, although, I'm really too shy to just exchange information with some other bloggers. I probably should try, though.

So, how did the event go?

Well, to start with, the venue--Novotel in Araneta Center, Cubao--is convenient for me since I live in Quezon City. I was expecting it to be in one of the function rooms like previous events. But I was surprised that it was an outdoor setting, beside the hotel's swimming pool.

Don't get me wrong it was a nice place, but it was too hot for an outdoor event. I didn't even linger in some sponsor booths because the sun was simply scalding! I was there from about 11 am to 1 pm. I could've stayed longer if it wasn't so hot!

There was an air-conditioned tent though, which was reserved for talks from the sponsors. It was a welcome reprieve to be in there from time to time, but it's really bad for my migraine. It's one of my triggers. So, I had to remember to keep it to a minimum.

One of the things I noticed is that the number of sponsors are dwindling. I think it was an improvement from the earlier Blogapalooza event, the one in Centris. But comparing to previous years, it certainly has dwindled.

There were the usual sponsors like Victoria Court, Chemworld Fragrance Factory, Skin Station, Tag, and even Krispy Kreme came back! But there were new players as well, including ShapeCloud,, GoMoto, MyCure, and My Marianas PH.

Going to this stint alone without my blogger-in-crime, Dompy, was a bit daunting. But I put on my go-get-'em attitude and played the many games the sponsors offered. Some I won prizes, some I lost, but I had fun all the same. And despite the heat.

I didn't take a picture of the loot I've gotten during the event, but I thank all the sponsors. I hope to see a bigger, more exciting, and COOLER Blogapalooza next year!

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